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archive - 2007 2010-13

Migraine study
Can a migraine study give you
migraine? Perhaps, if something about it have you upset, and
reduces your brain blood supply; if you are low on
magnesium, that could trigger cerebral vascular spasms and -
voila! - there you have it: if it looks, walks and talks like
migraine headache, it's got to be migraine headache...»
Genes and breast cancer
The most important part of breast
cancer research is establishing specific genetic malfunction
within the cancer cell making it abnormal. While the inherent
genetic flaws account for only about 10% of breast cancers,
those resulting from gene mutations - of altered gene expression
damage) - during the lifetime are to blame for the remaining
90%. Thus, understanding the link between genes and breast
cancer nearly equals understanding of the disease itself...»
Breast cancer studies
Should you be afraid of breast
cancer? Maybe not, but there is certainly a reason for concern
and, with it, need for quality information. The question is:
where do you get it...»

Stem cells cure promise
Can you imagine having diseased
body or organ tissue simply dissolved, and replaced by a brand
new, healthy tissue grown by your own body? This is the stem
cells cure promise...»
Imprinted genes
Are you
having imprinted genes, and why should you worry? Genetic
research is beginning to unravel mysterious inner workings of
genes, and at least
partial answers are surfacing. Recently, as reported by
Associated Press, Duke University scientists have created the
first map of imprinted genes...»
Children medications: danger,
As more detail
surfaces about the ongoing FDA focus on over-the-counter
children cough medications, there is only more reason for
concern. How aware are we of the effects these particular drugs
- as well as others - can have on children's health, especially
the little ones'...»
Deep vein thrombosis (DVT)
The update on new official
guidelines for assessing risk of DVT complications for each
patient admitted in UK hospitals is: it isn't working well.
According to the parliamentary Thrombosis group, only 1/3 of
hospitals do follow the guidelines. The estimate is that in the
last 7 months some 11,000 people have died, unnecessarily, as a
Epigenetic therapy
Can what and how your grandma ate make
you sick? According to the new kid on the block, epigenetic
medicine, it can. Not only diet, but pretty much any
significant prolonged exposure to challenging environmental,
physiological and psychological factors can cause inheritable
epigenetic changes in your basic body functions...»
Chemical body burden
You don't see them, don't smell them,
don't feel their touch. Yet they are everywhere around you, and
everywhere inside you. Why should you worry about industrial
chemicals piling up inside your body, or inside those that you
love? Why is it named chemical body burden?...»
Depression and work
Can your
workplace give you depression? A Forbes.com article goes over a
number of ways that office people can get seek while working,
from exposure to physical discomfort to poor
quality. Another unhealthy "ingredient", constant stress,
also can cause depression. Of course, it is not only office
workers that can be exposed to it, and it is not limited only to
a working environment...»
Pneumococcal vaccine Those
reading health articles this month may have noticed media
lamenting over a developing crack in the efficacy of
pneumococcal vaccine Prevnar (Wyeth), for children under
the age of 2. It turned out that its limited action - it only
protects from 7 most common, out of over 90 strains of
pneumococcus bacteria - opens up room for more virulent strains,
such as the antibiotic-resistant superbug named A19, to
Hyperactivity, attention deficit and food
If we were fruit flies, many of
us would die from hyperactivity caused by consuming yellow food
dye. Luckily, we're not that small, but it doesn't mean we can't
be adversely affected...
Health and exercise
How are
health and
exercise related?
Are seemingly better short term results necessarily also better
long-term? An interesting small Danish study, reported by
Associated Press/AP Online, may be a good example...
Kids meds
protected are children from hard marketing of variety of
kids' drugs? Apparently, not well. It is not surprising in
today's drug-abducted medicine. The recent FDA move to curb the
marketing of cold medicines for children provokes some thoughts
on children and drugs...
Alternatives to statins
The fact that
imbalance (particularly high "bad", and low "good" cholesterol)
is only a part of the problem - actually, part of body's attempt
to remedy oxidative/inflammatory damage to the cells and tissues
- implies that alternative (and better) treatments for primary
and secondary cardiovascular disease prevention are available...
Cholesterol effects
In order to
remedy the
plaque problem, we have to start with what is causing it. It is
not cholesterol itself - a waxy, non-sticky substance, which
normally won't deposit on blood vessel walls, be it "good" (HDL)
or "bad" (LDL). What makes things change is...
Statins side effects
The benefit of statin-reduced
cholesterol production - less of arterial build-up and insomuch
lower risk of cardiovascular complications - is accompanied by
some major drawbacks. One is that the main cause of all evil,
toxic and
inflicted damage to your blood vessels (and other tissues) is
left out...
Statins effects: benefits
For the specific benefits of statin
drugs, we need to turn to the only source we have: clinical
trials and statistical studies. According to one large
statistical study on the effects of statin drugs (Vrecer et al.,
International Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics,
12/2003), which used data from 16 statin studies...
Statins: benefits, dangers and
First came
high-cholesterol paranoia. Hard marketing of
cholesterol-lowering drugs - statins being the head runner for
the past two decades - followed. As a part of it, statins side
effects are routinely downplayed, while alternatives are
downgraded or ignored...
Exhaust smoke kills, doesn't it?
It sure does, and it's no news: fine particulates alone,
produced mainly by vehicle exhaust emission, kill 20,000
Americans each year (EPA). And that is only about 1/5 of total
deaths attributable to main air pollutants - nitrogen dioxide,
coarse particulate matter (PM10), fine particulate matter
(PM2.5), carbon monoxide, ozone and sulphur dioxide - combined (Stieb
et al. 2002) ...
Benefits of organic foods
Is organic food healthier than conventionally grown foods?
Significantly lower
pesticide residue, combined with higher average nutritional
value, seem to make the answer easy. What are the most recent
news? ...
Is your exercise healthy?
healthy is exercise in the polluted air? New York Times article
by Gretchen Reynolds gives you a reason to take this question
seriously. Recent studies seem to be positively linking the
outdoor air pollutants - in particular "fine particulates"
(soot) - not only to respiratory system ailments, but also to
increased risk of heart attack...
Causes of back pain
When you have bad back,
one thing you want to know is how to make pain go away. And that
is much easier to accomplish if you know what is causing it. But
what is it that causes back pain? You've been told it is caused
by degenerating disc, or bone, or both; this may be precipitated
by an old or fresh injury, spinal misalignment or
nutritional/metabolic deficiency, or imbalance...
Why did little Becky die?
There is something especially
mysterious and frightening about epilepsy; even more so about
the Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP). Disturbed brain
circuitry throw you into an epileptic seizure, when any control
over your body is lost; occasionally, it can even take your
life... »
Vitamin D and cancer
Is your low
vitamin D level you are not aware of increasing your risk of
developing cancer? Even if vitamin D cancer preventing ability
is steadily indicated over decades, in a number of (mostly
animal) studies, as well as from statistical data, the answer
still sounds much like: "Yes, but..." ...
Vaccines and autism
lot has been written about the link between early childhood
vaccines and autism, but the controversy is still alive.
What could be a decisive moment in tipping the balance to one or
the other side is taking place in the U.S. Court of Federal
Claims (USCFC) ...
Sudden cardiac death
Can the death toll from
sudden heart attack be reduced? According to a recent study, it
strikes a young athlete in the US once in every three days, on
average, and that is underestimate. In all age groups, it
affects over 400,000 people each year ...
Blood pressure numbers
At the mention of
blood pressure numbers, most people think of the official
standards for healthy blood pressure - 115 to 125 systolic by 70
to 80 diastolic, with 145/90 being the cut off between
pre-hypertension and hypertension. But there is another kind of
blood pressure numbers, much more alive and disturbing ...
More side effects from osteoporosis drugs?
The results of two
fairly large recent studies published in The New England
Journal of Medicine
(05/03/2007) indicate yet another possible side effect of so
called "bone-building" medications, most often used for
osteoporosis prevention ...
Death may come from your legs
The British government is
publishing official guide which specifies how to check every
hospital patient for deep vain thrombosis (DVT) risk. It
is estimated that it causes some 25,000 deaths a year in UK
hospitals alone (BBC) ...
Ovarian cancer and HRT
A recent UK study on
nearly 1 million postmenopausal women has found that hormone
replacement therapy (HRT), increases risk of ovarian cancer by
20%; an estimated 1,000 woman developed ovarian cancer between
1991 to 2005 and died, as a result of HRT ...
Asthma difficult to medicate
statistics show that only one in five asthmatic children in the
U.S. has their symptoms under "good control". On the other hand,
children on the Mediterranean island Crete barely need any
asthma related medical assistance. What makes the difference?
FDA pulls Parkinson's drug from US market
Parkinson's disease drug is withdrawn from the market, after
being linked to potentially fatal heart valve damage (New York
Times) ... »
Longer term effect of sedatives
The usual
phrase is that little is known about long-term side-effects of
tranquilizers. It doesn't quite fit the data. Results of a
recent 5-year investigation into their use on dementia patients
in UK nursing homes (BBC) are just another stark reminder:
anything that can affect neural function, has also the potential
of damaging it ... »
Why new "good cholesterol" drugs don't work?
They tried it
all to curb heart disease with a
pill. First by lowering so called "bad cholesterol" with
statin drugs (Lipitor, Zokor, and others), which are not
working as expected. Then they tried by raising so called "good
cholesterol" instead. Results? ...
Beef chemicals and infertility
A recent
study at the University of Rochester Medical Center in New York
concluded that mothers eating lots of beef while expecting risk
compromising fertility of their sons (CNN, BBC) ...
To aspirin or not to aspirin
Nurses' Health Study by the researchers from
Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School,
Boston, turned in statistical results showing that
low-to-moderate aspirin users had cancer deaths lower by 12% and
cardiovascular by 38%, and a total of 25% lower death rate from
any cause (CNN, BBC) ...
Evidence-based medicine
It may be hard to
believe, but the idea of
evidence-based medical practice (also, "scientific
medicine") - in a sense of relying on the actual performance
data - has been soundly formulated as little as 35 years ago ...
Health study results misleading?
In his Time Magazine
health article (February 2007), Michael D. Lemonik argues that
the usual manner in which results of health studies are
presented doesn't convey the whole truth ...
Psychological stress and health
well researched, informative article about psychological
by Christine Gorman in Time Magazine brings some important facts
of its biological mechanism and effects on
health ...