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blog - 2009 2010-13

Autism epidemic worsening: CDC report
Is the incidence of autism among
U.S. children so high to justify calling it autism epidemic?
If one looks at the percentage number, it appears to be rather low;
even if it keeps increasing - especially with respect to what it
was, or thought to be, just a 2-3 decades ago - it is at present
estimated to be about 1%. But one in hundred means that the total
number of children affected by autism runs into hundreds of
thousands... »MORE
indication broadened, or:
statin study, phase 2?
It shouldn't come as a surprise to
see this news: on December 15th, FDA's advisory committee voted
overwhelmingly (12 to 4) in favor of broadening indication for
rosuvastatin - AstraZeneca's anti-cholesterol drug better known as
Crestor - to include those at low to moderate risk for
cardiovascular disease, whether their LDL
cholesterol level is
elevated, or not... »MORE
High-protein diet effects
If you are living in the U.S. - or
most any Western country - your protein intake is likely to be
between elevated and high. Health wise, any dietary excess is
undesirable, and proteins are no exception. But what are, exactly,
high-protein diet effects? How serious is the downside, and isn't
there something good coming from it, at least in part compensating
for its negative effects?... »MORE |
Folic acid cancer risk
Are you confused? After over a
decade of having our foods fortified with folic acid, studies are
producing pretty consistent indications that elevated intake of this
form of vitamin B9 - produced synthetically for food supplements and
fortification - increases the risk of developing
cancer. For a while, we've been told exactly the opposite... »MORE
Folic acid studies: message in a
For a while, we thought of folic
acid - the most common synthetic form of vitamin B9, or folate - as
a good friend of our health. Then, just as we stepped into this new
century, a string of folic acid studies came to unexpected result:
not only that this vitamin doesn't necessarily give us protective
aura we thought it does, it can even partner with the most feared of
all our health enemies - cancer... »MORE
Sweet, short life on a sugary diet
Imagine you are a tiny little
worm, happily feeding on bacteria, and also got lucky to have some steady sugar
added to your diet. Everything looks - or should we say tastes
- great ... until it's time to go. The bad news is that for you it
comes 3-4 days sooner than for your counterparts without extra sugar
in their diet; they get to live all of their 18-day long
lifetimes... »MORE |
Smoking health hazards: no dose-response
Some things we just know: for
instance, a few cigarettes a day hardly can do any harm. Nothing to
worry about. But a recent study on cardiovascular mortality and
cigarette smoke begs to differ. Its data show that dose-response
relationship matters little when it comes to smoking health hazards...»MORE
C. difficile warning
These days, anyone using medical
services on a regular basis should be concerned about Clostridium
difficile (C. difficile), tiny intestinal bug that can
cause anything from severe diarrhea, colitis, hypotension and toxic
megacolon, to sepsis and death. To a smaller extent, everyone else
should be concerned as well...
Asthma risk and waist size in
Does enlarged waist makes
women more vulnerable to succumb to asthma? Some previous studies
did find positive statistical link between overweight/obesity and
asthma risk. A recent study indicates that even wider waist alone,
without overweight factor, increases that risk...
Antioxidants' melanoma risk: 4-fold or
we got scared into thinking that taking rather small doses of a few
common supplemental antioxidants increases the risk of melanoma - common
skin cancer - in women more than four times. Confusing? Well, that was
what relatively recent French study (Hercberg
et al, 2007) has come up with. Then, just this last month, the
headlines all over the Net were reporting that another large study (Asgari
et al, 2009), this time American, found no significant
association between the two, men or women...
Vitamin D status: murky waters
abundant skin exposure to sunshine unreliable in securing good body
vitamin D status, as Binkley et
al results imply? Is the nominal 25[OH]D level by itself
sufficiently accurate indicator of vitamin D status? These questions
concern our very basic understanding of our needs for this important
nutrient, necessary to preserve, or regain health...
Is vitamin D deficiency hurting you?
your child getting enough of vitamin D? What
if not? What about you? And what is "enough", anyway? As we are becoming
increasingly aware of its importance to health, answering this questions
becomes more pressing. Two recent studies found that vitamin D
deficiency in both, children and adults is rather common. The real
picture, though, is likely worse than what the studies present...
Pill-crushing children
you guess medication use in U.S. children younger than 12? If you're
like me, you'd say: "Once in a while, when they get sick". Not a
lot. Welcome to the real world. This
young children are already well into the pill crush of the
grown-up's world... »MORE
New gut test for children and adults
you checked on your gut health lately?
There is no health without well functioning gut - and the good news
is that a novel diagnostic gut test makes it even easier to assess
its performance. All it takes is breath analyzer... »MORE
Unhealthy habits - whistling past the
is talking about the importance of healthy lifestyle for sustaining
health. But how much those typical unhealthy habits - like excess
body weight, junk foods, smoking or lack of exercise - really hurt?
A recent CDC (Centers for Disease Control) study comes up with some
specific numbers for these four main offenders... »MORE
Asthma solution -
between two opposites that
don't attract
all the hoopla about molecular medicine and new health discoveries,
how much progress has been made
in treating asthma? Not too long ago, the official asthma solution
would fit in a short sentence: "You just have to learn to relax".
Then pharmaceutical companies learned how to, more or less
efficiently, suppress asthma symptoms with
drugs. On the opposite end, environmental medicine... »MORE
Light wave therapy - how does it actually work?
is going on with that light wave therapy? The latest FDA
approved LED devices include DPL therapy System for muscle
relaxation, temporary relief of minor muscle and joint pain,
aches and stiffness (including those caused by arthritis), as
well as the NeuroStar TMS (Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation)
Therapy system for helping those with
standard-treatment-resistant depression... »MORE
Hodgkin's lymphoma in children: better
Now that we have unveiled the true face of "cure" for Hodgkin's
offered by the conventional medicine, can we blame parents for
trying to use non-invasive alternatives first?...
Hodgkin's, kids, and the abuse of power
Considering very serious risks, and hardship involved with the
conventional Hodgkin's treatment, shouldn't a child-patient be
allowed option of an alternative non-invasive therapy first, leaving
conventional treatment as a last resort?...
Efficacy and safety of the
conventional treatment for Hodgkin's: behind the hype
Is Hodgkin's lymphoma in children as highly "curable" with the
conventional chemo and radiation treatment as the headlines in
various medical and media publications would make you think? After
going through a small but relevant portion of evidence, it turned
out not to be the whole truth. And, mind you, what's been left out
doesn't exactly gives picture of a cure...
Long-term mortality and morbidity after
conventional treatments for pediatric Hodgkin's
Specific information on
long-term morbidity and mortality of highly toxic conventional
treatments for Hodgkin's lymphoma is - for some reason - hard to come by
where it should be given to you: doctor's office, hospitals, and
government health organizations. Is there something to hide here? Read
on, and decide for yourself...
Late health effects of the toxicity
of conventional treatments for Hodgkin's
No one disputes the fact
that conventional chemo/radiation treatments for cancer in general - and
for Hodgkin's lymphoma in particular - are highly cytotoxic. They have
to be, in order to kill cancer cells. But healthy cells are not spared
either - they do suffer serious damage. So the question whether
conventional treatment for Hodgkin's has serious side effects is rather
formal. Most of us are familiar with its immediate adverse health
effects. The real question is does it cause serious long-term
adverse effects in children subjected to it?...
Daniel's true 5-year chances
with the conventional treatment for Hodgkin's
"90% success chance" promised to Daniel Hauser by the
conventional medicine close enough to 100% success to justify
forcing him into a highly toxic treatment?... »MORE
Daniel Hauser Hodgkin's case: child
or medical oppression?
Should the
authorities have the power to decide what type of medical
treatment is appropriate for your child's life-threatening
illness? And, if you don't agree, to take your child away -
possibly jailing you in the process - and
force that treatment upon it? The
parents of 13-year old Daniel Hauser from Minnesota, suffering
from Hodgkin's lymphoma, are just learning that what they
think is best for their son doesn't count... »MORE
Protection from EMF: you're on your own
As newer and more sophisticated studies continue adding to
the decades long research overwhelmingly suggesting that low level
non-ionizing radiation is capable of causing all kinds of
adverse health effects, the question of protection from this
type of EMF
(electromagnetic field) exposure has become
very important...
EMF pollution battle: same old...
EMF pollution is here to stay, and with it the struggle between
the proponents of the "no evidence of EMF harm" camp, and those
believing that there is plenty of evidence for at least preventive
EMF health threat and the politics of status
Is it by accident that international organizations, part of
the scientific community, governmental bodies and, of course,
the industry, all find themselves on the same side - that for
preserving the status quo for
non-ionizing EMF exposure safety
standards - and against the rest of scientific community and
concerned public, demanding official reaction to the piles of
evidence of non-ionizing radiation being a health threat at the common levels
of exposure?...
Electromagnetic danger - "No such thing
in our view"
"Sticks and stones may break my bones" - we all
know that, but what about
those weak non-ionizing EMF that are everywhere? Can those tiny, invisible, imperceptible waves
EMF safety standards - are they safe?
Call it electrical pollution, electropollution,
dirty electricity, stray voltage, microwave radiation, or any other of
its many informal names and forms, the question is just the same: Do all
those energy fields around us adversely affect health, possibly at the
levels much below current official safety standards?...
Power-frequency field exposure
Power-frequency field
(PFF) is produced by the standard 50/60Hz electricity in power
and distribution lines, indoor and outdoor wiring and electrical
devices of all types. Average 24-hour residential PFF exposure in
the U.S. is around 1.2mG, with 95% of the population being in the
0.3-3.4mG range (Zaffanella,
Electricity and health
Not long ago, electricity was regarded as a clean, residue-less
power source, with remarkable, silent efficiency. If used properly,
it produced no smell, no smoke, no sensation of any type. The
relationship between electricity and health seemed to be as good as
it gets...
Electromagnetic spectrum: health
Radio-waves, microwaves, extremely low frequencies
including 50/60Hz electricity waves, AM,
FM, light, X-rays - they all belong to the form of energy that we generally call
More specifically, electromagnetic radiation. It comes in
the wide range of frequencies, called electromagnetic
Is power pollution making you sick?
It was all fine
while we were only using animals and steam to do the work for
us. Then combustion engines came along, with coal and gas, opening the
era of power pollution - that is, contaminating our
environment with by-products of power production: smoke,
particulate matter, harmful chemicals and gasses. Then we
learned how to use electromagnetic fields... »MORE
Pneumococcal vaccine for adults
it possible that the only one who benefits from the pneumococcal vaccine
for adults is - the manufacturer? According to a hot-from-the-oven
study, it seems to be very likely... »MORE
DHA in brain
development study - why not boys?
It is no news
that essential fatty acids
are needed to maintain health. One of them,
Docosahexaenoic acid (much
better known as DHA), is particularly popular, as there is solid
evidence that it boosts protection from cardiovascular disease.
It is also no news that - shame on us - we still don't know much
of what exactly DHA, and other essential fatty acids, do in the
body. A recent Australian study moves us another small step
deeper into that uncharted territory... »MORE
HRT shrinks brains
For no good reason, it took decades to medical doctors to find out that interfering with body's
estrogen management through so called Hormone Replacement
Therapy (HRT) can be pretty risky business. And it's no
wonder, since they didn't really know what they were doing (not
that much has changed in that respect these days). And, as you
can read in the last issue of Neurology, that story isn't
over yet... »MORE