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March 2020

5G and COVID-19: just another conspiracy theory, or...?

March 2020

DVT revisited

Help your mitochondria slow down aging

The smell of cancer: will rats be saving human lives?

February 2020

Coronavirus vaccine: planned accident?

Cannabis, the unwelcome healer: factsheet

Do alternative cancer treatments work?

January 2020

New pharmacological treatments: targeting some causes

Is your child under toxic stress? Are you?

Kylee Dixon - between (forced) surgery and cannabis oil

June 2010 - Dec 2013

Minimizing breast cancer risk

May 2010

Time to move beyond salt?

Salt hypothesis vs. reality

Is sodium bad for you?

April 2010

Salt studies: the latest score

From Dahl to INTERSALT

Salt hypothesis' story

March 2010

Salt war

Do bone drugs work?

Diabetes vs. drugs, 3:0?

February 2010

The MMR vaccine war: Wakefield vs. ?

Wakefield proceedings: an exception?

Who's afraid of a littl' 1998 study?

January 2010

Antibiotic children

Physical activity benefits late-life health

Healthier life for New Year's resolution


December 2009

Autism epidemic worsening: CDC report

Rosuvastatin indication broadened

High-protein diet effects


November 2009

Folic acid cancer risk

Folic acid studies: message in a bottle?

Sweet, short life on a sugary diet


October 2009

Smoking health hazards: no dose-response

C. difficile warning

Asthma risk and waist size in women


September 2009

Antioxidants' melanoma risk: 4-fold or none?

Murky waters of vitamin D status

Is vitamin D deficiency hurting you?


August 2009

Pill-crushing children

New gut test for children and adults

Unhealthy habits - whistling past the graveyard?


July 2009

Asthma solution - between two opposites that don't attract

Light wave therapy - how does it actually work?

Hodgkin's lymphoma in children: better alternatives


June 2009

Hodgkin's, kids, and the abuse of power

Efficacy and safety of the conventional treatment for Hodgkin's:
behind the hype

Long-term mortality and morbidity after conventional treatments for pediatric Hodgkin's


May 2009

Late health effects of the toxicity of the conventional treatment for Hodgkin's

Daniel's true 5-year chances with the conventional treatment for Hodgkin's

Daniel Hauser Hodgkin's case: child protection or medical oppression?

April 2009

Protection from EMF: you're on your own

EMF pollution battle: same old...

EMF health threat and the politics of status quo

March 2009

Electromagnetic danger? No such thing, in our view...

standards: are they safe?

Power-frequency field exposure

February 2009

Electricity and health

Electromagnetic spectrum: health connection

Is power pollution making you sick?

January 2009

Pneumococcal vaccine for adults useless?

DHA in brain development study - why not boys?

HRT shrinks brains


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           YOUR BODY           NUTRITION          SYMPTOMS
                    HEALTH RECIPE         TOXINS

Are you taking good care of your health,
or heading for a disease?

"Why is everything that tastes good unhealthy, and what is healthy tastes yucky?" That was a straight kid's question to the friend of mine. He laughed, but all he could say at the moment was: "Good question!". And it really is. Because it makes you think. What is it about the link between health and disease that we don't understand? Are we victimized by the fast changing world we fail to adapt to? Hundreds of thousands of years of roaming the Earth trying to survive, have left us with

deeply rooted cravings

for - then scarce - life sustaining essentials: proteins (for tissue building and basic body regulatory functions), sugars (for instant and readily available energy), fats (for proper cellular function and stored energy) and salt (for basic metabolic processes).

We still have the cravings, but now we also have

lots of food at hand.

Does that spell trouble? You bet. Our bodies had no time to adjust. We still feel hunger for up to 20 minutes after we have already consumed what the body needs - a recipe for obesity. We are partial to foods that are source of energy - fats and sugars (which includes most processed carbohydrates) - and that "sweet toot" tends to throw our diet out of balance. The more off we are nutritionally, the less efficient body function, and the more we crave energy foods - welcome to the vicious circle! What once was crucial for survival, now

threatens to wreck our health and wellbeing!

But the main problem is that those "energy foods" we crave are, in fact, nutritionally inferior, processed foods. Our bodies haven't learned to be that picky, to differentiate between good and bad foods. Back then, it was all good. It was by far more important to make it to the next day, than how it will affect your health in ten or twenty years from now. Beside, there was very little of trans fatty acids and nutritionally depleted, processed foods on the menu to begin with.

There are always new things to learn for us, and a few are as important today as it is to

avoid the trap of health-robbing junk foods.

As if it wasn't enough, a new nemesis has surfaced: toxic contaminants of all kinds are in our food, air and water. Today, we are literally

soaked in toxins,

without being blessed by the natural ability to prevent their bodily accumulation, or at least neutralize their harmful effects on health. The tide of chemicals and their adverse effects on health came so quickly, it left medicine lagging behind. The combined effect of health-robbing diet and toxic contamination can be devastating, as proven by the epidemic of degenerative diseases and cancers.

And what makes all this only worse, is that many of us are unknowingly letting the body to be deprived of sufficient water. Hidden chronic dehydration makes vital body functions, including detoxification, chronically less efficient, leaving the body more vulnerable to diseases.

On top of that, potentially harmful exposure to electromagnetic energy is much higher than it ever was in our history. While it is still obscured by what specific mechanisms it effects biological processes - pretty much in common with numerous symptoms and diseases generally known as environmental illness - it is a subject of the ongoing scientific research.

One could say,

we are guinea pig generation.

It is on our flash and blood that the knowledge of health preservation in this quickly changing world will be gained. The only choice we have is whether we will participate actively, learning about what is happening to us and adjusting to it the best we can, or stay ignorant and pay the price.

These days, more than ever before, you can't afford to be indifferent, or ignorant about your health - the risk is just too high. More than ever before, we need to know 

how to protect, or regain health.

Where is the danger lurking. What matters. What are the right choices. Where to turn to, and who to trust to.

And, remember, it is not only about you, or those you are living with. The latest research has documented that all sorts of factors in your life - from what and how much you eat, to your stress and chemical exposures - have the power to negatively affect genetic quality of one's reproductive material. What was thought of as inherited genetic vulnerability, predisposing people to developing various diseases, very often results from what and how our close ancestors have lived - not from some cast-in-stone genetic code.

By taking good care of yourself, and those you love, you are also protecting those that are yet to come.

Why not just let doctors take care of everything? In the first place, because you don't want to become sick for you were ignorant of what can harm you. More so because your prospects of regaining health are bleak. The fact is, in this era of pharmacological medicine, the purpose is to medicate, not cure. As a result, the average doctor knows much about medicating, and very little about supporting health.

You'll find very few doctors that practice according to a very simple truth, which is that your physical health can only be preserved, or restored

by matching your nutrient intake
with your individual nutritional needs
and keeping poisons out of your body.

But even best doctors can't live healthfully for you - you have to do it yourself. And for that, you need to be able to make the right choices. That brings us to the five pillars of health:

  your unique body chemistry, with
your unique nutritional needs for optimum functioning,
 your unique response to many toxins you are exposed to,
your unique emotional needs, and
your unique needs for physical activity

Yes -

you are unique in every respect,

and the only proper care of your health has to be based on that fact. There is no shoe that fits everyone: no drug, no herb, no supplement, no diet, no lifestyle does. Moreover, your own needs change with your lifestyle, health condition and age. And the only way to find out what is good for you - and what isn't - is to

get to know your body and its state of health.

That is where proper diagnostic tests fit in. That is also the only way to solve the symptom puzzle, when a disease shows its ugly head. Every disease is a combination of adverse nutritional, environmental and genetic factors loosening your body's grip on health. You have to be aware of these factors in order to prevent disease from happening, or to have it reversed.

As you know, when it comes to the subject of health, there are many sources, and information is often confusing, not seldom contradictory. Facts are often purposely distorted in support of big special interests. Hence, the best possible choice is to rely as much as possible on the information coming from actual practicing of cause-oriented, healing medicine, based on the advances in independent scientific research in molecular and environmental medicine.

As Dr. Rogers says at the very beginning of one of her early books, this is not for everyone; it is for those sick enough, or smart enough. I hope you are in this latter group. If not, don't despair; there is little that body can't do to heal, if you only give to it what it needs.

My main sources are listed in the reference section of the site map. Needless to say, your feedback is greatly appreciated. The subject of human health covers overwhelmingly many topics. Like the old Celtic heath-knot, it doesn't seem to have beginning, or end - there will always be much that can be added, updated or bettered. Hi, this is me a few years ago (about 45 young) - Vladimir

Vladimir Sacek, site author




This information is intended for reference,
not as medical advice.
Health assessment and treatment decisions should be made only by a qualified medical professional.

  ©2007-2020 HealthKnot


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